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Lucy Insurance reacts against the pandemic COVID-19

The COVID 19 pandemic, which is gradually becoming unparalleled threat to business and lives globally, forces financial institutions as Lucy to react as swiftly as possible.

The measures taken by the company in a bid to contain the spread of the deadly virus includes minimizing the number of employees at densely populated offices by advising them to take their annual leave by giving a special focus to highly vulnerable employees as mothers who breast feed their children and expectant mothers who do not have annual leave to work every other day, providing sanitary materials at the entrance of the building so that every individual disinfects his hands before entering and holding necessary management meetings with Video Conference.

Moreover, a task force has recently been formed so as to closely supervise if the virus spread control steps are implemented in light of the Workplace Response Protocol by Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and as per the State of Emergency declared by the Council of Ministers. The Task force has identified the measures taken so far and the ones to be done subsequently a report of which is to be presented shortly.

The other measure taken is creating awareness with customers in particular and stakeholders in general by using the company’s website, TV advertisement and good wish messages in relation with Easter Holiday.










Lucy Insurance Revalidates its Vision and Mission Statements

Concludes preparation of five year Strategic Plan

Lucy Insurance S.C. has concluded the preparation of the second five year strategic plan that is to serve as a road map for the years from 2020/21 to 2024/25.

The strategic plan that gives special focus on growth and expansion is believed to raise the company’s market share by withstanding the competition in the industry.

Through its Vision 2030, the company aspires to be one of the best five insurance companies in Ethiopia by 2030 by advancing service excellence and by providing diverse products to customers. The company has also revalidated its mission statement in a view to address customer and stakeholder satisfaction and discharging corporate social responsibility.

The Strategic Plan that has been thoroughly reviewed and approved by the company’s Board of Directors is to come into force from the upcoming year 2020/21.