Regional Branches

Branch Contact location Map
Adama Branch 0221111853 Adama, Around Mebrat hail in front of Dada Mall On Yosep Building

Hawassa Branch 0462123571 Hawassa , Around Piassa on Robot Trade Center Building

Mekelle Branch 0342416117 Mekelle,Nilex Plazza

Wolaita Sodo Branch 0461808888 Wolaita, kumneger Trade Center

Bahirdar Branch 0583205173 Bahir dar , Opposite to Mulualem Trade Center on Hebr Tsega Hotel Building

Debrebirhan Branch 0118133864 Debre Birhan, in front of Shewaye Hotel , Next to Aba Bezu Building

Dire Dewa Branch 0114704213 Dire Dewa Taywan

Jimma Branch 0472-111-156 Jimma Awetu Primary Hospital Building 1st floor

Alem Gena Branch 0114-70-42-13 Alem gena Ale Gelti Building 1st floor